Our process

X2 – bringing inspiration, design and construction together

Wanting to do a renovation, fix a leaky home or reclad your existing home? Our design and building team can create a space you’ll love. Even better, our experience, knowledge and proven project management will make the entire build seem like a piece of cake.

You’re just four steps from creating the home you’ve always wanted

As a project manager for home renovation and interior design, our process is always the same. Whether we’re doing an interior refresh or a full-scale renovation, everything starts with a coffee and a chat.

Preparation is the key to success. A thorough evaluation of your needs, wants and budget means we can advise on the most cost-effective approach.

Bringing it all together

Initial consultation

You will meet our project manager for home renovation and our lead builder onsite for a preliminary meeting to discuss your project brief. This is where we need to hear what is important to you. We’ll ask about your wants and your needs and budget expectations. We’ll discuss your ideas and ask a thousand questions about your home, your lifestyle, your likes and dislikes and your preferred styles and colours. If you have photos of homes that you’ve seen or images and ideas from the Internet, Pinterest boards or magazines, great. We’ll be delighted to see them. Our job is to see your home through your eyes.

If you are unsure of what you want exactly, what you’re allowed to do and what it will cost, that’s fine. We can advise and make recommendations. We are a one-stop shop for renovations, extensions and interior design. 

During this meeting, we’ll take photos, check dimensions. If necessary, we’ll inspect the condition of any relevant structural elements to get all the information we need for a scope of works. 

Concept design

On our second meeting, we’ll show you our ideas and discuss the concept design so we can then move on to drawing up the full scope of works. This is where your project comes to life. We see it as our responsibility to guide you away from those ideas that may not work so well, anticipate possible variables and to advise on the most effective approach to your renovation. Troy understands common and potentially expensive pitfalls. So, we’ll ask a lot of questions to find out if we need to come up with an alternative plan to avoid these.

Our renovating experience means we know how important the little details are. So, we’ll ask about aspects you might not have thought of yet to make sure they’re covered. 

The concept design is available for review and discussion before moving onto the next stage. Once we have all agreed upon it, we can draw up a preliminary cost estimate and budget guidelines.

Working drawings & costings

Next, we write up a comprehensive scope of works and bring in the relevant sub-contractors and specialists to check feasibility. Once everyone has agreed on the concept design, the finishes and estimated costs, we then provide a thorough breakdown of all costs for the project as a whole. We price everything, including engineers, if needed, and all sub-contractors and tradies. 

Next, we can establish start and finish dates.

Let the building

Our team of reliable, trusted, handpicked contractors will be engaged, and every aspect of the job will be fully project managed. You’ll have one point of contact throughout the renovation or reclad. Nothing will be left to chance. We’ll coordinate all the tradespeople to ensure your build runs efficiently and we will look after you through the whole process. We will provide regular progress updates to ensure you are always kept in the loop.

Your home renovations will be completed with the minimum of fuss and maximum of smiles. We will then walk you through each room and show off the many gorgeous features of your newly vamped home while reiterating our home building warranty and pouring the celebratory bubbles.

Going from “What if” to “Wow we did it”!

Our approach centres around your needs and we take care of every aspect of the renovation process for you. We build houses to the visions of the people who’ll live in them. So, we’re careful about planning. We understand how important a rigorous process is in a successful building project, so we focus our efforts not just on the finished product, but on all the steps needed to make that happen. We will spend the time with you to make sure you get the result you’re looking for. 

Creating the right solutions for you

Home renovations can be stressful and disruptive, so we work hard to ensure that the process is as smooth and stress-free as possible. We’re all about good, open communication, and providing clear, honest answers to your questions right from the outset. Our head builder and our project manager for home renovation work will be available to answer questions, provide updates, and address any concerns homeowners may have. 

You’ll enjoy the excitement of watching your ideas take shape while avoiding the angst so often associated with renovations.

Auckland builder and managed renovations specialist | X2 Interior Design & Construction

Knowing exactly what to expect and when can make home renovating smooth and enjoyable. Luckily, from consulting, design, and the consent process to the finished build, our project manager for home renovation projects can organise the lot. 

If you take a look through our testimonials, you’ll see why our homeowners enjoy working with us and why most of our clients come to us from referrals.